Over 50% of all Americans take one or more dietary supplements either on occasion or daily. Although not all people require supplements which generally include vitamins, minerals, herbal products (botanicals), and enzymes, some people can use these products to make sure they get enough essential nutrients and maintain or improve their overall well-being.

What are Botanicals?

A botanical is a plant or part of plant that is found to have medicinal or therapeutic properties. Herbs are considered botanicals. Botanicals can be dried or fresh products, liquids, extracts, capsules, powders, teas or tinctures. To be considered a botanical the substance must be intended to supplement one’s diet, contain dietary ingredients like vitamins, amino acids or the derivative of a substance that contains these things and they must be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet or liquid and the container they come in must be labeled as a dietary supplement.

Botanicals are not required to be standardized in the United States. Standardized refers to the process that manufacturers use to ensure consistency in their product. It is hard to know how each person’s body will react to botanicals because each person is different and needs different things so be mindful when trying a new botanical.

What are Enzymes?

The Oxford Dictionary defines an enzyme as a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.

Our body naturally secretes necessary enzymes to help our bodies break down food and absorb nutrients. In a body that is functioning normally there are enough enzymes to take good care of us but in bodies that have been damaged or are poorly functioning enzyme supplements may help our bodies be more effective. 

People who have had their gall bladder removed or people living with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), inflammatory bowel disease or low stomach acid might be greatly helped by an enzyme supplement. If you have been tested for a definite enzyme deficiency by your doctor, dietary enzymes may help, but it may be less expensive to remove sugars, grains, liquid dairy and industrial seed oils from your diet to relieve digestive issues.

Industrial Seed Oils are highly processed oils extracted from soybeans, corn, rapeseed, cottonseed and safflower seeds.

Over-the-counter digestive enzyme supplements are created to help digest specific kinds of foods: protein, fat and carbs. Some of the most common are lactase, which can help people digest the lactose in dairy products, and alpha-galactosidase, which can help you digest the sugars in cruciferous veggies, like broccoli, and legumes, like beans. There are digestive enzymes on the market that are meant to alleviate multiple gut issues but there are not enough studies that prove their effectiveness. Keep in mind that if you don’t need a digestive enzyme, by taking them you might experience the very symptoms the enzymes are meant to relieve.

Facts to know about supplements:

  • Always tell your doctor about any supplements you are taking or thinking of taking
  • Reading labels is everything: check ingredients for allergens or added sugars or chemicals 
  • Dietary supplements are regulated as food, not as drugs by the FDA
  • Supplements can not claim to cure, treat or prevent disease
  • Supplement labels are allowed to claim certain health benefits
  • Some supplements can cause other medical issues or react badly with some prescriptions
  • A label marketed as “natural” doesn’t have to mean it is
  • Every body is different; just because your friend can take a supplement doesn’t mean that it will help you
  • Big chain retailers are more likely to remove recalled supplements from shelves

Some Supplements Don’t Play Well With Some Prescriptions

“You should discuss with your doctor what supplements you’re taking so your care can be integrated and managed,” said Dr. Craig Hopp. “There is little evidence that any supplement can reverse the course of any chronic disease.”

It is very important to talk with your doctor about all supplements you are taking because many herbs and vitamins can interfere with medications; they have the potential to have dangerous side effects or reduce the effectiveness of specific medications. Because supplements can react differently in each person they may make it difficult to regulate medications when you are trying to find one that works best for you. Sometimes, even though most people might be helped by a supplement, it might not work the same for you, for instance St. John’s Wort can reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants and birth control pills and Vitamin C and E can reduce the effectiveness of some types of chemotherapy.

Personally, I have had a bad reaction to St. John’s Wort because I didn’t understand that typical antidepressants cause me to become suicidal. This was many years ago and the very doctor that had suggested it to me, took it and it helped her greatly.  Always be careful when you are trying a new supplement

Some People Don’t Need Supplements & Some People Do

“It’s possible to get all the nutrients you need by eating a variety of healthy foods, so you don’t have to take one,” said Carol Haggans, registered dietitian. It’s important to know the chemical makeup, how it’s prepared, and how it works in the body—especially for herbs, but also for nutrients. Talk to a health care provider for advice on whether you need a supplement in the first place, the dose and possible interactions with medicine you’re already taking.”

If you are eating a diverse diet that includes proper amounts of meats, poultry and fish, a variety of vegetables in all colors and the right fruits you generally will not need supplements. If you are eating a vegan diet you will need to take a B-12 supplement to replace what you are missing by not eating meat. People who have had bariatric surgery or surgery to remove diseased parts of their stomach, will need to take dietary supplements to make up for their inability to eat enough foods to maintain the necessary levels of nutrients and vitamins they need to maintain their health.

Eating a balanced and varied diet is the best way to get the nutrition your body needs to function well.

Chronic People Might Really Benefit From Proper Supplementation

My doctors have prescribed several supplements for me. Because of the multiple diagnoses I live with, my doctors have told me to take a probiotic, baby aspirin, iron complex, potassium and folic acid. In my desperation to have more energy, even less side effects from meds than their suggestions answered, and less symptoms from my complex issues I did a lot of research and tested several vitamins on myself. I take ashwagandha to support my adrenal system and help me deal with stress and anxiety triggers, black elderberry, echinacea, B-12, vitamin D-3 and vitamin C to bolster my immune system, pumpkin seed oil to help my urinary track system and a blend of calcium, magnesium and zinc to help my bones, joints and teeth be their best. In addition to vitamins, I use several Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils to help me with several issues, like digestion, mental clarity and pain and a tincture made from cannabis products to deal with extreme pain or insomnia.

Karen doesn’t take all the supplements I take but she has found herself with more energy and less sickness by taking smaller amounts of ashwagandha, elderberry, echinacea, B-12, Vitamin D-3 and C, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc. She also was told by her doctor to take a baby aspirin and a probiotic and after she noticed her hair was thinning a lot and blood tests showed no hormonal imbalance we tried out L-Citrulline on her. People take L-Citrulilne generally for energy and help in processing protein specifically to build lean muscle during workouts. It also can have a benefit to the libido and thinning hair in menopausal women. Let’s just say we are very happy with the benefits of Karen taking L-Citrulline. In some people this supplement can cause a rise in blood pressure but Karen regularly checks her BP and it is fine.

We have spoken in-depth with our doctor about the supplements we take. They are even on the list of medications our doctor keeps for us so that any medical professional we see will know what we are taking. Since our numbers keep dropping where necessary, our doctor is very happy with the changes we have made in our diet, exercise regimes, medications and supplements.

Dietary supplements can really add to the quality of life in people with chronic conditions. It is important to be careful when starting a new supplement. I always have a trial period and if I don’t have any bad reactions and I can see or feel a positive change in my body or mind, I will keep taking it. I have had to adjust my doses to smaller amounts or like when I am battling one of my many sinus or upper respiratory infections I increase my black elderberry and echinacea until I start to feel more normal.

Quality & Information Must Be King

You get what you pay for, especially when we are talking about supplements. It is important to make sure you are buying products from reputable companies. Buy organic as much as possible. Synthetic nutrients cannot be digested as well as natural ones that are made from food sources. Make sure to read labels and look up supplements to verify they are really needed. My friends do not need to take some of the supplements I take and I don’t need some of the ones they take because we are all different. Make sure that your doctor has told you it is safe to take the supplements you are using.

Brands are a good way to make sure you are getting the best quality supplements. Most of the supplements I purchase are the Now brand because they have been around for a long time and their labels are clear to read and they don’t add other ingredients that might be harmful to my family. The calcium, magnesium, zinc complex we take is Nature’s Bounty because they have a good rating and I couldn’t find the particular blend of nutrients in another brand and the amounts of each of these nutrients were what we need based on the diet that Karen and I eat. Our probiotic is made by Hyperbiotics and the reason I chose that company was because it had particular strands of probiotics and prebiotics in the blend that had been found to help with specific health issues that Karen and I live with. There are many great brands out there but these are the ones we use.

I am not allowed to list the name of the Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils we use on our website because the FDA will get angry with me…but I chose this company, that we will refer to as “D Company,” over all the rest for specific reasons. D Company has remained to be owned by the same 7 people who started the company and they don’t have any stockholders to make happy. They purchase their oils at the best source available and they make small batches. Also they put their product through 50 more purity and standard tests than they legally have to and will get rid of entire batches if they don’t pass all of them. All of these reasons explain why I trust them and why they cost a bit more. (If you want to learn more about these products send me an email and we can set up a time to talk and even test some of these oils).

As far as cannabis products go there is a lot of information out there and it isn’t hard to find the best type of products to choose. I like the products I use because they are organic and the process to make them is reputable. I personally like to buy them at Freedom Market in Longview. The team there is very helpful. But I have friends that shop at other dispensaries because they need a different product. I recommend going to a dispensary over buying from a friend because Washington State has a lot of rules set in place to keep people safe. 

Note: Please do not operate machinery until you know how certain products will affect you. 

My tincture doesn’t make me sleepy but it does help me sleep if I choose to. I would never have the opportunity to drive if I was using my vaping pen, partially because if I am vaping my pain is at the highest level but also because it takes all of 15 minutes to make me pass out and get some healing sleep. I have been using the same cartridge since September so obviously I am not abusing it…which I don’t recommend.

I hope that I have provided ample information about supplements. I highly recommend them if you feel like you are needing them or your doctor specifically told you to take one. If you don’t want to research a specific supplement go to our Dear Jamie page and send an email to our Research Manager, Jamie Holloway, and someone from our team with write an article to answer your question.

Be blessed! 

Resources and Start Learning More:

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Summer D Clemenson co-owns Clemenson Enterprises and Wellness Works NW with her wife, Karen G Clemenson. Their personal motto is Creativity, Honesty & Positivity are a must! This mantra helps them stay community and wellness minded in all they do. Summer also writes poetry and inspirational blogs @ ClemensonEnterprises.com. Her crochet art can be viewed and purchased @ KnottyWares.com & she loves special orders!

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