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What is Wellness?
I feel like I am at ground zero when it comes to my wellness journey. A lot of challenges have shown up in my life and it is time to re-assess and come up with a different approach to my plans. I am learning that there are times that you have to slow down, realign,...
Is Your Diet a Trusted Wellness Tool or Just a Fad?
Fads come and go but we all need our diet to be a Trusted Wellness Tool. Instead of relying on any Fad Diet, I think we can all say that Healthy Eating should be a goal we all work towards. I have a beef with diets. It is personal. I don’t mean to color your Wellness...
Stand Up Straight for Good Posture
Karen, from Wellness Works NW gave me another writing assignment. Posture. Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, and lying down. Having good posture helps our muscles, joints, and ligaments. Let me share something about myself. I...
Get On the Ball: Using an Exercise Ball
Using an Exercise Ball is a great way to increase your core strength and balance. As I write this I am rocking back and forth on my latest purchase. I got a Balance Ball! I have wanted a Exercise Stability Ball for a long time. One thing that stopped me from...
Vaginal Dryness: You Don’t Have To Suffer
“This is a sponsored post. I have been compensated through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. All opinions remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.” Living with a chronic illness presents so many different health obstacles that it becomes...
Body Building After 40
When I was in high school I remember going to the gym with my older sister and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was into body building. The vision I have of him working out is lifting these metal barbells with weights on them that weighed a ton, him bending down lifting...