The Keto Diet is based on a 5:1 fat to carbohydrate ratio meal plan. Diets high in polyunsaturated fatty acids may lead to development of obesity and several other diseases. On the flip side of that equation, the Keto Diet calls for a mix of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, good proteins and carbs in the form of green vegetables. It is not a free for all on fat or absent minded eating.
Buy Ketones at
The correct supplementation of organic compounds are necessary when following this diet. That is where KETO//OS® comes in. The Ketone Operating System are revolutionary products that deliver advanced macro nutrients that promote optimal cellular regeneration, energy and longevity.
Read About Ketones at
The KETO//OS® products support optimum health in the following areas:
- Nutritional support
- Weight loss
- Increased physical performance
- Neuroprotection for the brain
- Enhanced memory
- Reduction of blood glucose
- Cancer prohibiting properties
Karen G Clemenson
Independent Prüver
(360) 270-3880
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