Hi Everybody! Are you one of those people that have a hard time making a decision? As my other used to say: Don’t sit on the fence! Get up and so something, even if it is wrong…That is a good southern analogy. But if you are just sitting there…
Have you heard of the Mediterranean Diet? Haven’t you…I can see you all agreeing. It doesn’t sound too bad…You could probably eat some more vegetables but you are saying: Not right now…

You gotta get up and get going! Let’s do this. 
This is Karen with Wellness Works NW and it is time to get moving! Yeehaw!
Today we are going to Go Mediterranean! That’s right. This diet is great and it is especially good for you if you have been diagnosed with a chronic illness because it attacks that that whole inflammatory groove. You are not going to be eating foods that cause all kinds of inflammation. This diet is very popular and I know you have heard of it before. You have probably seen cook books. But to make this diet happen you have to just jump in and make that decision.
The Mediterranean Diet is really good to encourage you to eat good clean foods. Real food that is anti-inflammation. It is good for people who might have heart disease, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, any autoimmune disease. I want you to check it out. A lot of time it hard to get all your veggies in and this diet will help you do that and you will find yourself feeling better too. 
Finding an eating plan that works for you is important. You have to do it and you have to stop putting it off. I do the same thing but there comes a time when you have to make a new decision and I know it will be easier for you to be satisfied and feel good if you Go Mediterranean.
We have an article written by Jamie Holloway called Learning About the Mediterranean Diet which will be a great place to start. We have all kinds of great articles on our site and we make it easy for you to send us topic suggestions all the time so that you can make informed decisions about your wellness.
If you are unhappy with how you have not been taking charge of your wellness don’t waste anytime feeling bad, just make a new decision. You need to take care of you so you can help others. You need good fuel.
So with that is now time to Move it Move it!
Today Karen is going to be using a kettle weight today to show you how to get a whole body workout at home or at the office. The one she is using is only 5 lbs and you should get one for yourself to use. You can do all kinds of things with a kettle weight and have all kinds of fun! By doing a few exercises with the kettle weight you can get a little cardio in there and boost your metabolism.
Think about what you are eating. Food is fuel. If you need help contact me and I will be glad to give you some help. I am sending positive vibes and prayers. You are the best!

Send me an email to tell me how you are doing.
Find Wellness Works NW on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn at WellnessWorksNW!
#KeepMoving #WellnessWorks #WootWoot

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Karen G ClemensonKaren G. Clemenson is not a doctor or a scientist. She is a real person that eats too much sometimes and misses her workout on occasion but is mindful of her path toward wellness, all the time.

Karen understands that your physical wellness does not begin and end with your membership to a local gym. She knows that weight loss management begins with steps; some small and some large. These steps include diet, physical activity and retraining of the thoughts and habits that keep you from being successful on your path toward wellness.

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