February is National Children’s Dental Care Month. This event is meant to bring awareness that for 75 years water fluoridation has helped children stay hydrated while preventing cavities. Thousands of dedication professionals, healthcare providers, and educators want to promote good oral health to children, their caregivers, teachers and the general public.

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Interesting Children’s Dental Care Facts

  1. Cavities are surprisingly common in children.
  2. Approximately 42% of children ages 2-11 have untreated cavities.
  3. The Center of Health and Health Care in Schools reports that 51 million school hours are lost each year due to dental-related issues.
  4. Over 80% of the cavities children get are on the chewing surface of their teeth. Your dentist can advise you on ways to prevent this.
  5. Fluoride has been proven to be the most effective way to prevent cavities.

It is never too early to begin teaching our children how take care of their teeth and gums. The American Association of Pediatric Dentists recommends that parents establish their child’s first visit to the dentist around their first birthday. This visit gives parents/guardians the opportunity to ask questions and talk about concerns with the dentist. The dentist will also be able to give advice about teething.

Baby teeth play a role in the way a child speaks, processes their food and smiles. They save space in their mouth for their adult teeth and are a good indicator of the child’s overall health. It is important for children to receive good oral care from a dentist to make sure there is no infection that can enter the bloodstream and cause problems for years to come.

Oral Health Basics

It is important to teach your child to floss their teeth. Brushing is a good way to clean the teeth but flossing is the only way to get bacteria that may be living in the tiny spaces between the teeth that a tooth brush cannot reach.

For children and infants baby bottle tooth decay is a real concern. When children consume sugary drinks, bacteria in their mouth consume the sugar and produce acid that erodes the enamel on their teeth. Milk, formula, fruit juice (this is a big one because fruit juice contains acid already), soda and any other sweetened drinks all contain sugar which is why it is important to brush baby’s teeth and gums regularly. If your baby requires a bottle to fall asleep, water is the safest option.

Ways to Promote Good Oral Health in Children

  • Schedule routine check-ups every 6 months
  • Clean baby’s mouth daily. Before teeth come in use damp washcloth to clear away harmful bacteria.
  • As soon as the first tooth comes in, begin brushing your baby’s teeth with an infant toothbrush, water and a tiny bit of fluoride toothpaste.
  • Brush children’s teeth every day, 2 time a day.
  • As soon as your child’s teeth touch, begin flossing.
  • Snack healthy! Calcium rich snacks like cheese and yogurt, fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grain crackers are good choices. Limit sugary fluids and snacks like juice, fruit snacks and candy.
  • Keep kids hydrated by giving them water to drink. Water washes away sugar and food particles that can lead to cavities.
  • Replace your child’s toothbrush every 3-4 months.

I hope this article provides interesting and helpful information to help you encourage healthy habits in your children. Most of the information is helpful for grown-up’s wellness too.There is more information to be found in the links below. If you have other questions that we could research for you please see our Dear Jamie page. 

Resources and Start Learning More:

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Summer D Clemenson co-owns Clemenson Enterprises and Wellness Works NW with her wife, Karen G Clemenson. Their personal motto is Creativity, Honesty & Positivity are a must! This mantra helps them stay community and wellness minded in all they do. Summer also writes poetry and inspirational blogs @ ClemensonEnterprises.com. Her crochet art can be viewed and purchased @ KnottyWares.com & she loves special orders!

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