Wellness Works NW wants to give you the wellness resources and tools to maintain your path to healthy living. Whether that is information about food, helpful hints or advice on exercise and skin care.

We welcome you to peruse our site for information to help you make decisions about your path. Even more so we would love to hear from you when you learn information that will encourage others on their path.

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Better Living Toolkit from Arthritis Today

Go4Life National Institute on Aging

Go4Life from the National Institute on Aging is an exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH, is designed to help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life. Learn more at https://go4life.nia.nih.gov

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Jamie’s Bone Broth Recipe

Jamie’s Bone Broth Recipe

Bone broth is a healing food. It heals the gut. It also adds help for the joints if you have arthritis or your joints just hurt from other illnesses. It is super simple to make too. I first came across making my own bone broth from doing research on the Paleo Diet and...

Learning About Peanut Butter

Learning About Peanut Butter

We love peanut butter! It is filling. It is healthy. It is packed with protein, fiber, monounsaturated fat and fat-burning folate. But there are some things you might not know about peanut butter that will probably change the way you shop (we hope). The peanut butter...

Summer’s Garlic Hummus Recipe

Summer’s Garlic Hummus Recipe

I love Garlic Hummus! I could eat it by the bowl full but sometimes it can be a bit spendy and more often than not, I cook from scratch in order to avoid the salt that Karen G Clemenson shouldn’t have or the nightshade vegetables and fruits I need to stay away from. I...

Summer’s Gluten Free Banana Bread

Summer’s Gluten Free Banana Bread

I have been working to make this Gluten Free Banana Bread recipe perfect for over 10 years and now I would like to share it with you. I love this recipe because it is gluten free, high in omega 3’s and tastes delicious! I was inspired to start working on this because...

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