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Go4Life from the National Institute on Aging is an exercise and physical activity campaign from the National Institute on Aging at NIH, is designed to help you fit exercise and physical activity into your daily life. Learn more at https://go4life.nia.nih.gov
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Jamie’s Bone Broth Recipe
Bone broth is a healing food. It heals the gut. It also adds help for the joints if you have arthritis or your joints just hurt from other illnesses. It is super simple to make too. I first came across making my own bone broth from doing research on the Paleo Diet and...
Love Your Guts
It is an act of love to choose wellness. Wellness is a series of positive, life supporting decisions we make, or don’t make everyday, all day long. Being well takes proper nutrition, exercise, a good attitude and the practice of hobbies and activities that bring us...
Learning About Peanut Butter
We love peanut butter! It is filling. It is healthy. It is packed with protein, fiber, monounsaturated fat and fat-burning folate. But there are some things you might not know about peanut butter that will probably change the way you shop (we hope). The peanut butter...
Wellness with Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Drug & Alcohol Addiction; I cringe when I hear these words. It is probably because most of my family is either addicted to, or recovering from drugs or alcohol. It hurts my heart. I’m also immensely proud of my family members who are living the life of recovery....
Learning About Eating Disorders
In a million years I never thought I would be writing about eating disorders. You see, this affects me personally. As I was reading my research I discovered two things about myself. I have been affected by all the ads, commercials, and the desire to be this beauty...
Men & Chronic Illness
My friends at Wellness Works NW asked me to write an article about Men & Chronic Illness. I was taken aback by this assignment; Men have chronic conditions? You wouldn’t know it by the articles that are written, blogs, magazines, even data is women geared. That...
Learning About Lymphedema or Lymphatic Obstruction
Have you heard of the condition called Lymphedema or Lymphatic Obstruction? I hadn’t until my best buddy told me that she is having issues with this disease. Writing this article is a challenge for me. I’m struggling because I want to write it out of a place of love...
Summer’s Garlic Hummus Recipe
I love Garlic Hummus! I could eat it by the bowl full but sometimes it can be a bit spendy and more often than not, I cook from scratch in order to avoid the salt that Karen G Clemenson shouldn’t have or the nightshade vegetables and fruits I need to stay away from. I...
Summer’s Gluten Free Banana Bread
I have been working to make this Gluten Free Banana Bread recipe perfect for over 10 years and now I would like to share it with you. I love this recipe because it is gluten free, high in omega 3’s and tastes delicious! I was inspired to start working on this because...
Pros & Cons of Bariatric Surgery
We all want a quick fix & solution to our weight issues I know I do. I hate to be the bearer of bad news. There isn’t one. Not even bariatric surgery is a quick fix. “Weight loss surgery does not cure obesity. It is a tool that helps you lose weight when combined...