Sexual Wellness is an important topic because it is a natural way to express ourselves, when we are ready. There are a wide array of ways that sexual wellness can be explored and expressed between people and we want to encourage you to make healthy choices regarding your sexual health so that you feel safe and respected while avoiding negative consequences like unwanted pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections.
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Please enjoy our latest Sexual Wellness Articles:
Are you using Petroleum Products?
When I was in my mid-twenties I realized that I had gone several months without a period. I had always been irregular, and at the time I had a very stressful job but this seemed wrong; I had no reason to consider a pregnancy. I mentioned it to a woman in my bible...
How Do You Identify?
Note: This article was originally posted on on April 27, 2022 by Summer D Clemenson I don’t talk a lot about my membership in the Queer Community because my realization that I am part of it is so new to me. I know some people cringe at the word...
Talking About Menopause
Greetings everyone, I hope this month brings you peace, joy, and love to you and your loved ones. Today’s article is more targeted towards my female readers, but our menopause symptoms can affect our spouses, partners, and family indirectly, because many aspects of...
Learning About Sexual Health
September 4, 2020 was World Sexual Health Day, in fact September is Sexual Health Awareness Month. Sexual health is a very important part of our overall health and more and more people are seeing this. Sexual Wellness is equally about prevention, treatment and care...
Learning How to Age Well
Healthy aging: One thing we all have in common no matter what gender, race, sex, or size we are is that we all get older. In the article I am going to talk about learning how to age well. As we age our body changes: Our blood vessels begin to stiffen Our arteries...
The ABC’s of Hepatitis
Boy is it hot! But it is summer time and we are enjoying the sun! Hey it is Karen with Wellness Works NW! We are still doing the best we can while we deal with COVID-19. It is important to have the best attitude we can. We are going to be fine. Today I want to...
Learning About Hepatitis
Hepatitis is an inflammation disease that affects the liver and can cause a lot of damage to the liver. The liver is the largest internal organ in the body. The job of the liver is to convert the nutrients we feed it into substances that our body can use to live well....
Men’s Health Month 2020
June is Men’s Health Month and the goal for this month is to heighten the awareness of getting men to consider living well by having early detection tests and getting treatment for diseases they may have. In 1994 Bill Clinton established Men’s Health Month. Men go to...
What Women Need to Know After Cancer
Congratulations! You fought cancer and won the battle. Well done. That took a lot of dedication and self-care and most of all commitment. Now comes a new change in your life, new normals with your sexual health and heart health and, if you are young, how you get...
World Health Day: Midwives
April 7th is World Health Day and they are focusing on Nurses and Midwives and the role they play in keeping us all healthy and strong. Since I believe we all know what a nurse is and what they do I decided to research what a midwife is and what they can do for us....