Your Home Workouts

Your Home Workouts

Hey Guys! It’s Karen with Wellness Works NW. You’ve done it now! You have told people you are going to workout at home. Then people ask you every now and then, if you have started working out at home, and of course they ask you very loudly. Of course your answer is...
Healthy Aging: It Gets Better and Better

Healthy Aging: It Gets Better and Better

Hi Everybody. It’s Karen from Wellness Works NW and I want to welcome you to Autumn…or Fall…I can’t remember which one; let’s just call it Autumn. I like it when the seasons change and the colors change and speaking of speaking of seasons, as we start to get older we...
Karen Talks About PKU

Karen Talks About PKU

Hey Guys! Its Karen from Wellness Works NW. It has been very hot but we are getting through it. I do a lot of talk but I am sure that you would never guess that, but I also try to do a lot of listening and every now and then you hear something that you haven’t heard...

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