Safety Starts Here

Safety Starts Here

Hey Everybody! It’s Karen with Wellness Works NW! Safety Starts Here and what I find out there. I have some clients out there that are saying: Forget it! Give me a cake! I’ll see you in 20 (hiccup) 21!…And then I have some clients that say they are definitely not...
The Inside Out Approach

The Inside Out Approach

Hi! You’re back! This is Karen from Wellness Works NW. Thank you so much for being back.    I just love this time of year but boy have I been sweating! I love the Pacific Northwest! We have the best weather in the world so I really can’t complain.  ...
Challenge 22

Challenge 22

I am so glad you guys are out there! I am Karen from Wellness Works NW and I love summertime! I’ve always enjoyed summertime! Now I find myself in summer and I am getting ready for Challenge 22.   You are wondering: What is Challenge 22? Well let...

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