I have been in a bit of a rut lately and letting my self-care get a little lackadaisical. While I was scrolling on Facebook I saw an advertisement by Jason Seib for Weakless Week June 2024 and thought this might be what I needed. It was.

I didn’t get too deep into researching Seib but from what I can tell, he is a personal trainer that helps people change their thoughts in order to change their lives. He offered membership to a closed group for a week, 5 days of videos where he gave tools to help people change how they think and in the end you can join another closed group for a monthly fee. The first week and group was free.

I really enjoyed my experience. I think quite a bit like Seib and I have been working on a lot of the things he asked us to do for a long time. It was great to have these reminders and to be able to hear what other people had to say and to even encourage a few people that I could relate to. In the end, I have a book he recommended in my shopping cart on eBay but I haven’t joined his group for now. However if in 6 months when he offers another Weakless Week, if I think I need more than my own intrinsic inspiration, I know I can do the free week again and join the Diligent Mind Self Care group then.

Below you will find how to learn more about Jason Seib: Diligent Mind Self Care

He also has a Podcast: A Moment of Weakless found on Apple and Spotify. I also bought Jason Seib’s book Body Beliefs: Women, Weight Loss, and Happiness which can be found on Amazon.

I have included my notes from his daily videos, which I really enjoyed, and will not be the same for the next round because Seib deletes them and starts over for each Weakless Weak. I hope you get some inspiration. If you have questions please feel free to Contact Me (Summer) or Contact Karen as she watched the videos too or even reach out to Jason Seib on his website.

Day 1: Change relationship with discomfort.

People stop taking care of themselves because they don’t like being uncomfortable. The thoughts we have, make us uncomfortable and most of us are used to self medicating with food. When we don’t learn to control our thoughts we stop taking care of ourselves. Diets and weight loss plans don’t work. You must take care of yourself every day. Self-care is how you can take the best care of yourself in this moment every day.

People that are trying to fix themselves will not succeed. You must love yourself and learning to do this is a process. The problems we have are always about our thoughts. All emotions come from thoughts and hormones. So we must learn to control out thoughts.

5% of people are intrinsically motivated. They will be successful because they don’t believe they are broken. They are doing things to change the things they own and focus on having an amazing life.

95% of people are fixers. They will probably fail because they think they are their body or the number on the scale. But if they can change their thoughts they can change.

Daily Assignments:

  1. At the end of each shower turn the water to cold for 10 seconds
  2. No complaining
  3. Un-entertained time for 10 minutes – unplug
  4. No junk food
  5. No snacking – only 3 meals per day

Day 2: Obesity does not cause health problems. Not taking care of ourselves causes health problems.

Our goal is a mindset that conquers not just survives: a Weakless or Self-Disciplined mindset is our goal.

2 women go to a party. Both did the same thing. They both didn’t eat any junk food. One is wondering how long they can keep this up because they just survived. The other woman conquered the junk food table and she is proud of herself. She will continue to conquer hard things and be successful. When you overcome hard things you become impressed with yourself.

Weight loss or the number on the scale can’t be the goal and sustain us. When we love ourself and truly take care of ourself long term we will see health happen. This is not a diet that is for just a moment, this is a lifestyle. When we conquer painful things we will build our own confidence.

Day 3: It takes practice to make conquering a lifestyle. There is no finish line – this is a way to live.

You can’t compare yourself to anyone else. This only leads to us assuming our poor value. When we do something hard this builds on our success and we will get better and our goal posts can be moved. Enjoy every high fives moment you earn.

If you look for discomfort you might find ways you can improve your life. How we process stressors is the cause of most problems which is why we need to change how we think.

There are 2 Mindsets:

  • Growth: People with a growth mindset challenge themselves to always become better.
  • Fixed: People with a fixed mindset think they are the way they are and they aren’t going to change.

Suggested Reading: Mindset The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D.

Day 4: 5 Questions to help making decisions

  1. Do I want to be self-disciplined right now? Must be a yes or no answer.
  2. Am I choosing what is right for me or am I avoiding discomfort? (I don’t want to do hard things)
  3. What will I gain by being disciplined right now?
  4. Am I being mindful or am I acting before I think things through?
  5. Am I proud of today?

Day 5: My old mentality is never going to work if I am stuck on dieting and the way I look.

What I think about me is important. If I stop insulting myself  because I am proud of myself, everything will fall into place. If I get out of my way, amazing things happen.

This is what works. This is what self-care looks like:

  • Get rid of junk food because you want to love yourself.
  • Exercise every day because you want to love yourself.
  • Sleep well and get enough sleep because you want to love yourself.
  • Overcome hard things because you want to love yourself.
  • Learn through your mistakes because you want to love yourself.
  • Keep doing this everyday, knowing there is no finish line because self-care is forever because you love yourself every day because you want to.

The easiest way to stop fixing yourself is to Declare what you are going to overcome, Conquer and Be Proud of Yourself — This leads to a life of doing things that helps you love yourself and always becoming better. This doesn’t just include better health but getting out in the world and engaging, being happier and doing hard things because they are no longer overwhelming.

Note: My notes are how I process what Seib says because that is how think. I have to remind myself that I want to love myself. I hope that helps you.


If you are needing help creating a Wellness Plan that works for you, please Contact Wellness Works NW at 360-447-8061. Karen G Clemenson is a very caring and authentic person and she is looking forward to talking with you and helping you define your Wellness Goals and strategies. I hope this article answered questions you had and was easy to understand. If you would like us to write about a particular topic that you can’t find on this site, please send us an email on our Dear Jamie page and someone from Our Team will be glad to research and write about your topic.

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I hope this article helps Fuel Your Wellness. Please leave your comments below.

Summer D Clemenson is a co-owner Clemenson Enterprises, LLC and Wellness Works NW. Summer her wife, Karen G Clemenson’s personal motto is Creativity, Honesty & Positivity are a must! This mantra helps them stay community and wellness minded in all they do. Summer is an Independent Wellness Advocate at dōTERRA. Summer also writes poetry and inspirational blogs @ GoodTimesAlways.com.


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