Wellness Works NW knows the importance of offering articles about Women’s Health.
As a women-owned and operated business we have a special knowledge about what it is like to be a women who is trying to stay on her path toward wellness; or find the courage to find her path.
We want to encourage all women to be the strong and capable beings they were created to be regardless of whether you are living with Chronic Illness and Mental Health or Disability or you know someone who lives with these issues or any other personal needs. Here we hope you find interesting knowledge and maybe a place to connect with other women who might be going through similar life experiences as you.
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Please enjoy our Latest Women’s Health Articles:
Stand Up Straight for Good Posture
Karen, from Wellness Works NW gave me another writing assignment. Posture. Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, and lying down. Having good posture helps our muscles, joints, and ligaments. Let me share something about myself. I...
Learning About Vitamin D
The latest topic that Karen has been asking about is Vitamin D. She talks about it during dinner, when she talks about clients and even in her sleep. In order to answer her need for information I asked her specifically what she wanted to know and here are the answers...
Learning About Crohn’s Disease
A couple of weeks ago, Karen, gave me another research assignment: Crohn’s Disease. The only thing I know about Crohn’s Disease is the Glenn Frey from the Eagles had it. Since doing my research I know a lot more. My aim in writing this article is to inform and to...
The Importance of Vitamin B-12
This article was originally posted at JamieChasesButterflies.com. Recently, I found out I was low in vitamin B-12. My doctor wants me to start taking 1000 MCG of B-12 daily. I decided it was time for me to do some research and write up an article about it. While...
Explaining Uric Acid
I am one who suffers from high levels of uric acid in her blood. I just had a serum uric acid measurement test done and I was at 9. Normal is between 2 and 6. Since I take immune suppressant medications, and at one time a blood pressure medication that is known to...
Product Review: Superior Cannabinoid Rich Hemp Formula by Honey Colony
"I have been given this product as part of a product review through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. Although the product was a gift, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company." A Word from Jamie Holloway I have...
Get On the Ball: Using an Exercise Ball
Using an Exercise Ball is a great way to increase your core strength and balance. As I write this I am rocking back and forth on my latest purchase. I got a Balance Ball! I have wanted a Exercise Stability Ball for a long time. One thing that stopped me from...
How to Thrive with Chronic Pain
Whether you have a chronic illness like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis or you have suffered an injury, Chronic Pain is a common ailment felt by a lot of people. Chronic Pain can lead to changes in lifestyle and emotions and ability to do activities you once...
Learning About Salt
Learning about salt, otherwise known as sodium chloride is very useful in managing your wellness plan. Salt is made of 40% sodium and 60% chloride. Salt is used to add flavor to food. It is also used as a preservative, binder and stabilizer. Salt is necessary to the...
Vaginal Dryness: You Don’t Have To Suffer
“This is a sponsored post. I have been compensated through the Chronic Illness Bloggers network. All opinions remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.” Living with a chronic illness presents so many different health obstacles that it becomes...